Friday, September 25, 2009

What Does Mackenzie Think of School?

The day before school began, Mackenzie amidst our back-to-school conversation, piped up, "Mommy, I don't start school tomorrow, do I?" "Yes, you do." "But I'm not five yet." I had to explain that she had to be five years old by the time her birthday was, 31 December. When it clicked, "yeah!" She was a happy camper. Waiting outside the school though was another matter. Not that she was unhappy to be going to school, but that it was cold outside and she was "freezing like a pop cycle" with her bare legs under her skirt. Three days later, she didn't want family time, she wanted time with just mummy and her. I didn't stop to think that she would miss our time home alone together. She is fine when she gets to school. Her teacher says she's doing well, that all the kids in her class this year are doing well. She also chatters on about her best-friend, Noel, who she wants to have sleep over but she keeps forgetting to pass our phone number on to. Still, every three days or so, "I want to stay home," or "I want to skip school today," or "I'm sick." She wants time with Mummy. I need to figure out now how to fit in a bath or some time with her one on one. Maybe bedtime story in her room without her sister? Hm mm.

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