Thursday, August 19, 2010

Frenchy's verses Walmart

The beginning of each school year brings the purchasing of a few new clothes. We had an errand to do at Walmart, Taylor had birthday money burning a hole in her pocket, and school supplies were on sale. Kenzie asked if we could go to Frenchy's on the way back. "I don't want new clothes from Walmart. I want to go to Frenchy's." I wonder if it's because she has always had her own sense of style, she can get more at Frenchy's, or she wants to be unique. I may never know the answer to that one. But I sure hopes she stops the "I-don't-have-any-shirts-to-wear-that-I-like" phase over soon. I doubt it. She is a fashionable female. Unlike her mother.

Back To School Attitude

Alas, the end of summer approaches and I took the girls shopping for school supplies earlier in the week. Mum babysat them while I went to work that evening. Mum told me that Kenzie set right to work putting her name on all her stuff, taking her time and printing neatly or by using her personalized labels. She also took her time packing them all into a large ziplock bag in which she placed a smaller ziplock bag with all her pencils. Very tidy and organized. Taylor after three years of school was more jaded and had to redo her name on a few things. The next morning, Mackenzie asked the question while we were eating breakfast, "What are we doing today?" "Going to summer camp." Again, Kenzie asked, "no, what are we doing?" Being puzzled, I asked, "what do you mean?" "Are we going to school today?" She was somewhat disappointed when I said, "no, not yet." "Oh." It's good to have her eager to begin school again since so often last year she didn't want to go to school, refused to leave the car, begged to stay home, and so on. I think she misses her friends as all the play dates she tried to arrange didn't happen. Are 6 year olds afraid of going to other houses for playdates or are the parents not ready to let them go?