Monday, June 28, 2010

Rock Star Hair

While showering at the campground last night, Mackenzie asked me why I had my hair cut short like a boy. I told her it was easier to take care of; it dries faster, stays out of my face, and doesn't get tangled or messy as easily. She paused and then said, "sometimes your have rock star hair with it all over the place." :) Touche.

Shake It

Last week while I was at work, my husband was getting the girls to clean up some of their chaos. Typically, they know where it goes for they can find items when they have been put away. Howevver; also typically, those items are very rarely returned to their proper place. While they were cleaning Warren heard Taylor tell Kenzie, "Shake what your mother gave you!"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Public Library Jungle Tree for Summer Reading Program

I know this tale isn't about one of my girls but it IS about children. I have a great job and sometimes it really rocks! This past weekend I had the opportunity and co-operating weather to construct and erect a paper tree to decorate for the Jungle themed summer reading program at the library this summer. It was great fun to hang branches, vines, monkeys, etc. I hope everyone enjoys the affect and that it last for nine weeks. Have a great summer!