Monday, August 25, 2008

I Want More Milk

While having our usual bath together, Mackenzie started giving me a strange look then tried to latch on. I told her, "there's no more milk left." She told me, "I want more milk, chocolate milk. You can put chocolate milk in there." I had to ask her how since when I drink milk it goes into my tummy. "Like this," and she traced a line from my mouth to my neck to my nipple. She makes it seem so simple. I'm surprised that she remembers nursing. But then again, she was 27 months by the time I got her to stop.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Did You Have to Look Pretty?

I wasn't expecting these kinds of questions for a long, long, time. However, Monday morning, Taylor was going through her clothes and came apon a pink and orange dress. "Remember you said I looked pretty when I was in this dress, Mommy?" "Yes." A few minutes later, "Did you have to look pretty to find guy to love and marry?" Oh boy. How was I to answer that question? I told her that when her dad and I met that we were just friends and that I wore clothes that I was comfortable in, that I usually wear. But it is fun to dress up and look extra pretty for those you love and to feel extra pretty yourself. This time I didn't add it, but it's a phrase I try to use for my girls self-esteem in this looks fixated society, "you look pretty in whatever you wear, even when you're naked."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Didn't Do It

Well, it was an enjoyable but exhausting weekend. I think it was our first camping trip this year with no rain - other than during the drive down. On our drive home the girls fell asleep and if it weren't for the fact that I was cold with the air conditioning on (to keep Warren alert), I would have been asleep to. Warren pulled into the driveway and then backed up with the back window blocked with camping gear. With my eyes closed I felt a slight bump, like when one puts the brakes on too quickly, and then we continued on, backing the newly, returned-to-our-use (no swing set on the back any more, after three years of storage) trailer into it's parking place. I opened my eyes to get out and start unloading and looked out my window at my car. "What did you do to my car?" I asked Warren, not knowing who had done the damage. In front of the passenger side door was a large, visible dent. This is not our year for cars. The thing is, no one will believe now that it wasn't me that put the dent there. Dents must be becoming common place for us for when I asked Taylor to look at what happened to my car, she walked bast the one foot dent three times before she noticed it.

Taylor Two-Wheels

Taylor began riding a two wheeler, with training wheels last summer. We have a busy street and don't use our bikes nearly as often as we'd like. Taylor did use her bike on a very long bike ride (6 km) on our first day at Keji in 2007 and a few tumbles on the uneven trail made her extra cautious. I feared it was one step forward and two steps back. This year we took her bike along more often: to Newfoundland, to Keji, to Shubie Campground, and to Jellystone. At Shubie, Warren realised that Taylor wasn't using her training wheels at all, in fact they may be getting in the way. He suggested taking them off but she wasn't up for it. Well, this past weekend, Taylor, now being six years and two days old, decided to go for it. She rode like she'd been riding a two-wheeler forever. She did have a tumble later when Daddy suggested she wiggle her handle bars back in forth. It was observed that she's likely not ready for anything fancy yet. Fortunately she did get back on her bike again in spite of her vow to walk the rest of our weekend camping trip. Daddy only complaint about Taylor doing so well is, "now we don't get to help teach her." He missed out on teaching his first child to ride a bike and now he didn't have to teach his second.