Monday, December 24, 2007

First Lost Tooth

Just recently Taylor discovered that she had a loose tooth; her first loose tooth. Mommy, in all her wisdom, predicted that Taylor's tooth would be out by the weekend. This was about December 12. On our drive to go to the public pool for a swim, Taylor excitedly announced, "my tooth came out! Now the tooth fairy will come tonight!" We then had to scramble for something safe to put her baby tooth in. We found a discarded Christmas card envelope inside our darkened car. Upon returning home from our swim, Taylor had to phone and share her exciting news with her Grandma, her other grandparents, her cousin, and her (half) sister. In the morning, she had to call them again and tell everyone that she got markers, fairy markers, from the tooth fairy. Yesterday, she lost her second tooth. This time it was while sitting at the kitchen table and watching Christmas cartoons. So she sat down and made herself an envelope of her own design for her second baby tooth. When she finished making her envelope, to her great panic, Taylor couldn't find her tooth and was in a great panic, "it's gone forever." Mommy found it on the floor next to Taylor's knee where she knelt searching frantically. This time Taylor only had to phone her grandparents. This morning she asks her younger sister, "do you want to come with me and see what the tooth fairy left me?" Mackenzie in her usual form emphatically answers, "Sure!!!" Taylor soon returned to my room, shoulders slumped, listlessly flapping the item through the air, the tooth fairy left me "just a book." Her second tooth, and already her standards are set so high. She and her sister soon discovered that the book had foil stickers in the back that they had a grand time making up crafts with. Go figure.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Photo Flop

In all our brilliance, we decided to take our own photos this year. Usually I book an appointment in October at the Superstore to take the girls Christmas photos. We have the tripod, a better camera, flood lights, etc. so my husband suggested we take our own photos. We usually have to carefully write down who would like a photo and then decide what package we want accordingly. Then if we want more prints it's either break copyright law and scan it or pay $7.99 for another sheet of photos. It seemed best to take our own. We can even send to photos for printing in various provinces and have the relatives pick them up so they don't get mangled in the mail. So.... I showered the girls, they got dressed in their finery that Grandma bought them, blew dried their hair, added some pale lipstick (Taylor wanted to be like Mommy and look as pretty as she could with makeup), and some hairspray. Tah, dah. Daddy hooked up the flood lights, cleared the wooden bench, attached the camera to the tripod, used Taylor for some practice shots and we were ready. Or so we thought. Warren took two photos of the girls together, and one with me as well, then the batteries died. Figures. We'll have to try again later. Guess I won't be the first one mailing out my Christmas cards this year. There goes my reputation.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Strawberry Obsession

Mackenzie has discovered Strawberry Shortcake, the cartoon. I'm not sure how she learned about her though I did buy her a Strawberry Shortcake jacket last winter. I then bought her a comforter this fall but it just has strawberries all over it. We then borrowed some movies from the library (I have to sneak them back) and found a doll at Value Village. Hmmm.... I guess I started it. I still don't understand why she gets so excited about Strawberry Shortcake though. To me, she's as annoying as Dora the Explorer. They are both just so gosh, darn, chipper. We did lose the doll at Value Village when she got put down for a bathroom break and we were unable to find her again. I then asked on freecycle if anyone had one up for grabs and got a tip to check kijiji. We were able to buy two for $5.00; and one talks! Mackenzie was thrilled when Daddy brought them home. Now I'm loosly considering a Strawberry Shortcake theme for her birthday this month... I think I'll stick to a Doodlebops theme and try for Strawberry next year. There is so much available online for parties. Either way, Mackenzie is just thrilled to be having a party and "all my friends coming!"