Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Mackenzie and I were on our drive home from church, enjoying the sounds and sensations of spring. The windows were down for the first time since fall. Taylor was home recovering from strep throat so there was no fighting in the back seat. It was peaceful. Suddenly, Mackenzie pipes up, "Mommy! I just heard a bird singing a love song!" So I tuned in and sure enough, I could hear the birds singing in conjunction with the hum of my winter tires. "I heard another bird!" Mackenzie fell into quiet observation for five minutes and then calmly noted, "I like the breeze. It's re-laxin'." Yes, spring is finally on it's way to Nova Scotia. Mind you two days later there were school closures and our world was again covered in snow. But spring is on it's way. I imagine that mom from the playground on Sunday is wishing she didn't get her tires changed just yet.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Not a Self-Conscious Bone In Her Body

When I arrived at Grammie and Grampy's yesterday to pick the girls up after work, Kenzie was eager for me to come and watch her perform. The girls' true personalities stood out for me more at that time than any other. Taylor sat on the sidelines operating the music, a wind-up, Fisher Price, record player and made the occasional appearance "on stage" to assist her sister. Mackenzie danced, twirled (great twirls), posed, and was spun (standing and carried) by her sister to the music of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." She was very focused and serious about her performance. When asked how she got her twirls that good, she replied, "I've been practicing all day." All day wasn't when I had her with me until 1pm. Mackenzie sat back at one point and announced, "Okay, Taylor, your turn." Taylor looked up shyly from her seat next to the Fisher Price record player. I filled in for her, "I think maybe Taylor prefers to help out." Taylor quickly agreed and Mackenzie, equally quickly, took to the center stage again. Of course, there was more of this performance immediately after Mackenzie finished her supper. And when Grampy didn't arrive right away she went and dragged him into the living room. Ah, where is a camera or camcorder when you need one?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mommy's Nurse Maid

Mommy was the one sick this time. Fortunately no one else seems to have caught the bug that began with a really sore throat - reminded me of strep because I didn't want to swallow - followed by chills and sweats, congestion that led to a cough as the throat was trying to heal on antibiotics, and then a lack of balance or dizziness as my ears filled up, as well as overall fatigue. Well, after ignoring my little voice for 24 hours, I gave in and visited the walk-in clinic on Monday. Skipping the gym for the usual workout and risking low points for the March Nutrition month competition at work, I went home, put a movie on for Mackenzie and crawled in bed. Well Mackenzie, then took care of Mommy. She brought me two extra pillows and tucked them under my head, brought me a drink of water, took my temperature (only 38.7), gave me a teddy bear to cuddle, made me gargle my throat medicine, pulled up the covers, and gave me a kiss. Two hours later she asked me to come downstairs because she wanted to play. How could I refuse after that great nap and quality care?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Freckles" by Natasha Bedingfield

I used to care so much about what others think about
Almost didn't have a thought of my own
The slightest remark would make me embark
On the journey of self doubt
But that was a while ago
This girl has got stronger
If I knew then what I know now
I would have told myself don't worry any longer it's OK

'cause a face without freckles is like a sky without stars
Why waste a second not loving who you are
Those little imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, valuable,
They show your personality inside your heart
Reflecting who you are

Who you are
Who you are
Who you are

I wondered if I could trade my body with somebody else in magazines
Would the whole world fall at my feet?
I felt unworthy and would blame my failures on the ugliness I could see
When the mirror looked at me
Sometimes I feel like the little girl who doesn't belong in her own world
But I'm getting better
And I'm reminding myself


Reflecting who you are
Reflecting who you are
Whoooooo whoa hmmmm oooooo


Monday, March 16, 2009

It Makes Me Sad

This year, the empty lot at the entrance of our subdivision was cleared of brush, a driveway entrance put in, and a Christmas tree lot was put up. A trailer with a wood stove moved in, lights were put up, and trees erected. I seldom saw cars there buying Christmas trees. Well Christmas came and went and not even the first of two truck loads of trees sold. The trailer and the "Mieser's Trees" sign disappeared but the trees, tire and tire rim stands, and railing remained. And they remained. Today, two men were there with a wood chipper clearing away the dead trees. It is now 16 March, almost three months after the Christmas tree season ended. I felt it was depressing driving past the lot at least once a day. Even Taylor spoke up last week as we drove by, "it makes me feel sad to see those trees." I wonder if the tree sellers managed to break even. I wonder if they had a part in the clean up or if someone complained enough to their councillor. I did see someone on Friday taking photos of the abandoned lot. I wasn't looking forward to watching the trees turn brown and dropping their needles as the weather warms up; leaving tree skeletons behind. Now it will be less saddening to drive by. I hate to see trees that slowly grew, and were trimmed and cultivated for years, but cut down only to die. I love a real tree in my home but allergies make it necessary to use an artificial tree. And that contributes to the loss of sales for Christmas tree growers and to the increase in needless deaths of living trees that help cleanse our continually polluted air. I imagine Taylor's comment only reflects a small portion of my thoughts that sadden me when I see unappreciated, dead Christmas trees.