Saturday, November 27, 2010

When I grow up...

Taylor has revealed to me that when she grows up she wants to buy a house with a big yard with a fence. Then she and her best friend, Samantha, are going to run a doggy daycare and grooming place. And she is going to ride her bike wherever she can instead of driving a car so she won't pollute the environment. I had to admire her dreaming big. "It's good to have plans, Taylor. But sometimes life changes them." I only hope she is happy no matter where or what she is in her future.

Mommy, Do You Like Christmas?

Once again, on our car ride, the girls came up with a line of conversation that surprised me where it went. We were commenting on the Christmas lights that people have up. Mackenzie piped up and asked me, "Mommy, do you like Christmas?" After my "yes," she added, "I like Christmas too. It's about love. Loving people. Like Valentine's Day. And remembering people who have died." Taylor contributed by saying Christmas is about giving to others. Interesting what children see through their perceptions.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Throw It

The girls have come with me a few times to dog obedience class. Leela's biggest challenge is to stay off of people and not jump up on them. The instructor once told me to say it like I meant it, to throw it like a brick. One day shortly after this, I arrived home and was trying to keep my dog from jumping up on me as she greeted me at the door. Leela, off! From the background, somewhere down the hall, I heard Mackenzie say, "Throw it like a brick." Good to have them come with me at times.