Thursday, March 26, 2009

Not a Self-Conscious Bone In Her Body

When I arrived at Grammie and Grampy's yesterday to pick the girls up after work, Kenzie was eager for me to come and watch her perform. The girls' true personalities stood out for me more at that time than any other. Taylor sat on the sidelines operating the music, a wind-up, Fisher Price, record player and made the occasional appearance "on stage" to assist her sister. Mackenzie danced, twirled (great twirls), posed, and was spun (standing and carried) by her sister to the music of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." She was very focused and serious about her performance. When asked how she got her twirls that good, she replied, "I've been practicing all day." All day wasn't when I had her with me until 1pm. Mackenzie sat back at one point and announced, "Okay, Taylor, your turn." Taylor looked up shyly from her seat next to the Fisher Price record player. I filled in for her, "I think maybe Taylor prefers to help out." Taylor quickly agreed and Mackenzie, equally quickly, took to the center stage again. Of course, there was more of this performance immediately after Mackenzie finished her supper. And when Grampy didn't arrive right away she went and dragged him into the living room. Ah, where is a camera or camcorder when you need one?

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