Monday, March 16, 2009

It Makes Me Sad

This year, the empty lot at the entrance of our subdivision was cleared of brush, a driveway entrance put in, and a Christmas tree lot was put up. A trailer with a wood stove moved in, lights were put up, and trees erected. I seldom saw cars there buying Christmas trees. Well Christmas came and went and not even the first of two truck loads of trees sold. The trailer and the "Mieser's Trees" sign disappeared but the trees, tire and tire rim stands, and railing remained. And they remained. Today, two men were there with a wood chipper clearing away the dead trees. It is now 16 March, almost three months after the Christmas tree season ended. I felt it was depressing driving past the lot at least once a day. Even Taylor spoke up last week as we drove by, "it makes me feel sad to see those trees." I wonder if the tree sellers managed to break even. I wonder if they had a part in the clean up or if someone complained enough to their councillor. I did see someone on Friday taking photos of the abandoned lot. I wasn't looking forward to watching the trees turn brown and dropping their needles as the weather warms up; leaving tree skeletons behind. Now it will be less saddening to drive by. I hate to see trees that slowly grew, and were trimmed and cultivated for years, but cut down only to die. I love a real tree in my home but allergies make it necessary to use an artificial tree. And that contributes to the loss of sales for Christmas tree growers and to the increase in needless deaths of living trees that help cleanse our continually polluted air. I imagine Taylor's comment only reflects a small portion of my thoughts that sadden me when I see unappreciated, dead Christmas trees.

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