Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's More Important?

I was dropping the girls off at school last week, right on time, no room for dilly dallying. Taylor leaned forward from the back seat as she usually does, for a see-you-later kiss. Mackenzie was not impressed for she couldn't access her backpack that was in the front seat. "Mommy," she began, "What's more important, school or a kiss?" I of course replied with, "a kiss of course, because it shows someone that you love them." She didn't agree. "You can get a kiss later." "But, what if something happens to me or you and I don't get to see you later?" "Mommy, school is more important." Well, I'm glad I instilled the importance of school yet sad that she hasn't learned to value a good goodbye. Well, at least when she's the one leaving. When I'm leaving, it's another story.

1 comment:

98052 Self Storage said...

Your child learning is in your own hands. What you teach them will surely be followed. Just keep up the good work!