Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mother's Helper

I'm not certain if it's an older child learned behaviour or a genetically programmed behaviour. Taylor has always been a lot like me personality wise. For example, she likes order. She used to arrange the bubblegum packs in the check out lines; sorting pink with pink and purple with purple. She also has an interest in arranging her room and craft drawers. Mackenzie has no interest in it at all. Taylor is also far better at putting her clothes away; boots on the mat, coat in the coat basket, dirty clothes in the laundry. Better, not perfect. Mackenzie is always coming up with excuses not to: I'm too tired, I can't, you do it, I don't want to... Well, after 1.5 years of Taylor going to school she is used to routine and what needs done to get the three of us out the door in the morning by 8am. At six years old she will usually make her bed (allowance by points helps this) and get dressed in the morning. It takes prompts to get her to brush her hair but she'll show up with a brush and ponytail elastic without being asked. When breakfast is over she disappears only to reappear with all three toothbrushes in hand, with toothpaste on them. And there's two different kinds of toothpaste; the kids' toothpaste and my toothpaste. She is also quite adept at getting her backpack and then dressing without reminders to get snow pants, mitts, hat, scarf, etc. Taylor has also attempted to help Mackenzie along by picking out her coat, hat, and mitts but Mackenzie, being Mackenzie, doesn't want help nor what anyone else has picked out for her. Taylor has also now reached the point where she asks for my car keys so she can go start the car. Of course she is environmentally aware so she doesn't start the car until Mackenzie and I emerge from the house; she doesn't want to waste gas and pollute the earth and drown polar bears but that's another story. Taylor's behaviour could be learned for she is my little helper being the elder child and she likes to please. Her behaviour could also be a result of being motivated to get to school on time. I can't help but wonder what some time at school will do for Mackenzie. We'll find out next year. In the meantime, Taylor is a great help to getting us out the door without the tears and frustrations that once were the norm.

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