glorified from the past,
frozen in time,
resurface through
reminders of location,
sensation, and activities,
unconsciously in dreams
and consciously through regrets.
I wish to metamorphize
this past relationship
and bring it into the reality of now,
paste over the rose-colored glasses
of yesterday
and capture it in realism.
I cannot pursue what wasn't
for this isn't the time
or the place for it to be.
I will have to take a new direction
of old and aging friends,
to purge myself of our past
that continues to reemerge
and interfere with my present.
I find I cannot turn my back
and let the past be past
so it shall have to change
and it shall have to mature
as my body, if not my mind, has done.
There is no place for that past
in my today.
With it, I cannot move on,
within the relationship I now have.